free patterns and tutorials

Use of these patterns is strictly for personal use only

Please do not copy or re-distribute these patterns or make finished items for sale

The copyright for my photographs, patterns, tutorials and designs lies with me. © sewing room secrets / Natalie Kaprielian 2013/14. I am very happy for you to make items from these patterns, but please credit me as the designer and link back to my blog so others know where to get the pattern.  I spend a lot of time designing the patterns: getting the idea, gathering the appropriate materials, all the trial and error that goes into creating it, taking pictures, editing pictures and writing up the pattern/tutorial.  Thank you for understanding and have fun creating

sewing room secrets pillow

 When I’m being Creative Pillow

Wording for Pillow

POT OF LOVE from sewing room secrets

sewing room secrets Pot of Love


How to make a Suffolk Puff (Yo-Yo)


  Twin Pocket Pouch

pile aqua

Zakka-style sticky note case

Santa basket pics 017

Santa Basket

ipad cover

fabric ipad cover

Corner 3

How to bind a quilt

19 thoughts on “free patterns and tutorials

  1. Hi I am a dragonfly person and was wondering if you had a pattern for the dragonfly appliqué that you show with your binding technique? I would love to make them!

  2. I really enjoyed visiting your site. I am in the process of restarting up my hobby of quilting. I have to wait a little while to get my quilting room set up. I have arthritis,fibromyalgia and asthma. I have been unable to get my things together again in this new large room that is going to be all mine just for my creative fun. I am changing my focus from large bed quilts to smaller items to create, like wall quilts, and table llinens, ect. When I got to your site, I loved all the different things you are doing and enjoyed all of your ideas very much and it gave me some motivation in the future..So I am doing window shopping here with your things. I really like a lot of your style. I love the look and feel of detail in your pieces. And I found myself wondering if there are patterns or not. Thank you so much .

  3. i did find your site….i was sooo happy about that. i hope you will be making more harrients..i just love her and she reminds me of myself. LOL have a wonderful day!!!

  4. Hello I’m new to sewing and new to pin it, I love your puffs, can’t believe how easy they look. I’m trying to make some cushions but I want to make a closing without a zip. Could you help me ? Kind regards Vanessa

  5. You are amazingly brilliant. Your designs will be my inspiration for a creative New Year Resolution. Probably the only resolution I will be making that will last past February.

Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment. I love to hear what you have to say - it really does brighten my day! Natalie x