about me

Hello and welcome!

My name is Natalie and I enjoy all things creative, but mostly I love to sew. I have always appreciated the value of handmade things in our mass produced world and this appreciation has only strengthened as I’ve grown older.

My Gran was an excellent seamstress. She made all her own clothes, as well as pretty dresses for her two daughters. When I was young, my Gran tried to ignite a passion in me for sewing, but I was very wary (actually a little frightened) of her old pedal powered Singer sewing machine as a child. It wasn’t until much later, in my early thirties, that I enrolled on a patchwork & quilting course at night school and from the very first lesson I was completely hooked!

I prefer hand sewing to machine, but I use both methods for my projects. My favourite techniques are applique, patchwork & quilting and embroidery.

To me, sewing is like meditation. When I sew, my mind is completely focused. I am totally absorbed in what I am creating and am able to lose myself in it. I stitch to relax, to create, to share, but mostly because it just makes me happy.

I love to read your comments, so please feel free to post your thoughts or just say hello! I hope you can find something here that inspires you to go ahead and make something wonderful!

Happy stitching everyone!

23 thoughts on “about me

  1. Hi, do you have another blog platform or site that is current? I love your content.
    Just asking,
    Belinda Brooke

  2. A lot of time spent admiring your wonderful work and inspiring blog. I think I thought of what to do with some of the old monogrammed linen that I’ve inherited 🙂 Loved your Pinterest board too! Waiting for your next blog post… Liisa

  3. Hello Natalie!
    First let me say, I love your beautiful work and your blog! I found your site when I was searching for the history of the yo-yo. Like you I love all things hand-made and at the moment I am in love with making yo-yo’s, which I will now lovingly call Suffolk Puffs! Being from Florida in the USA I was very dissapointed when I read that yo-yo’s only went back as far as the 1920’s and 30’s in the USA. I knew I had seen them used on antique purses that dated back to the 17 and 1800’s. I was happy to learn from you that their history went even farther back. Thank you for the history lesson and Happy Stitching to you!!

  4. Hi Natalie, just to say how much I loved making your hexie needle caddy and extremely pleased with the result. Great instructions -very clear – and will now have to make another as parting with this one as an Xmas gift for a sewing friend. Janet

  5. Like you I am hand quilting a quilt that has been in the making for too many years, I have also had to dunk it in the tub because something was spilt on it. The quilt is still not finished but I would like to get it finished for our annual exhibition that happens then end f December. I live in a small town in New Zealand .

  6. I am really enjoying your blog. It is always nice to find kindred spirits who love Tilda and Zakka! Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing the crafty things you create this coming year.

  7. Aloha Natalie,
    I enjoyed visiting your site so much, and being a retired photographer I think your photography is excellent. Your ideas and photos are so inspiring it makes me want to get hopping and dig through my “hoards” of materials and start sewing. Looking forward to more of your wonderful new creations. Lynette (~_~), Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii

    • Aloha Lynette! Thanks so much for your lovely compliments! Your kind words have really brightened my day! I am so delighted that you have found some inspiration here to go ahead make something wonderful with needle and thread. You are welcome here any time! Natalie x

  8. I like your blog Natalie. I also have an ambition to have a blog myself one day. I hope I will. 😊 In this days I am very absorbed with a seven months baby boy. You are very successful on lillipopo patterns.

    • Thank you for visiting my blog and so glad you like it! Babies are so cute at that age – all giggles and gurgles! My own ‘baby boy’ is 19 now, but I can still remember those first precious months with him. I look forward to reading your blog one day! Take care of yourself and baby x

Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment. I love to hear what you have to say - it really does brighten my day! Natalie x